Nomadic Frontiers

“… strive together with me in your prayers … that my service for [Sonora] may be acceptable to the saints …” (from Romans 15:31)

Scott & Dana

@Nomadic Frontiers

Meet The Clement Family

Beginnings in 1983
Scott & Dana started out as newlyweds on the mission field, working among indigenous tribes in rural eastern-central Mexico.

We lived in a small village in the mountains in this house that was over 100 years old. Our first couple of years were spent without running water. We had a river, a well and a spring all within walking distance of our home. I used to joke that we indeed did have running water – I had to run down to the river to get it.

Meet The Clement Family

A Young Family

By the mid 80s, the family was complete.

Dana gave birth to our daughter, Tasha, in 1985 and later our son, Travis. In the late 80s, we moved from our initial field of endeavor in central Mexico to disciple a group of new believers in urban north-east Mexico. Here, we learned different aspects of ministry that escaped us in the rural setting and that group continues as a healthy church some 30 years later.

Meet The Clement Family

North-east Mexico

By the late 80s, the Clement family was settled in north-east Mexico.

In the sate of Tamaulipas, we discipled a group of young men that blossomed into a leadership team, which lead a new urban church that is still going strong today. Later – partly as a training exercise for this group of men – we pioneered work among fishing villages off the Gulf coast. My career in mission has been a life-long learning process, a divinely appointed “on-the-job” training to some degree, and these years were important in my education. I learned the value of personally discipling a small group of men and working closely with them in ministry. (Sound familiar?) 

Meet The Clement Family

Outer Mongolia and Nomads

A bit change, from 1998 to 2008 the Clements lived in Outer Mongolia.

In Mongolia, we pioneered a unique aproach to evangelizing and establishing a viable church among nomads. As far as we have been able to ascertain it was the first work of its kind in a nomadic community and continues to be somewhat unique to this day. We left Mongolia in 2008 with plans to return, but God had different purposes in mind. The door was providentially closed to us until 2013, when a short return return trip found that the work that we had established had flourished in our absence, as it continues to do to this day.

Meet The Clement Family

A Haitus from Missions
After 25 years of nearly continuous work on the field, the family was essentially forced by divine providence to take a rest.

From 2008 to 2016 a much needed break allowed us to re-connect with family and friends and establish ourselves in a solid new home church. After a time of service as pastor of a cowboy church in Central Texas, we moved to Louisiana where we joined Plains Church in Zachary. During this time I was honored to serve as a ruling elder at Plains Presbyterian (PCA) in Zachary, Louisiana. Here Dana and I endeavored to faithfully serve and shepherd our local church body.

Meet The Clement Family

Return to Mexico
In 2017, Scott and Dana were we were sent out by their home church to return to Mexico.

We were commissioned by the elders and body of Plains Church to go to north-west Mexico, in the state of Sonora. Our daughter Tasha joined us and has worked in various support capacities in different ministries. We have been together in the state of Sonora since then, working initially in a urban setting, and now in the mountains.

Meet The Clement Family

Current Work in Sonora
The first couple of years in Sonora saw the Clements establishing a presence in a small but important regional city.

Our first few years in Sonora, Mexico were spent working in a city in the southern parrt of the state where Scott pastored a group of believers under the covering of a Mexican Presybetrian pastor who was establishing a new church in a nearby city. The city work under the oversight of a Mexican church gave us the opportunity to get our feet planted in the region, get to know the people, and build local relationships. After a two year commitment to this work, we began to branch out to new evirons where we believe that our ultimate calling and destiny here lie.

Meet The Clement Family

Our Current Work In Sonora
For the past few years, Scott and Dana have been living in a small  mountain village in southern Sonora.

We are surrounded by cattlemen and cowboys, rugged individualists who need to see a witness of the Gospel Life that is both godly and manly. This is a foreign concept to most of these people as religion in the culture tends to be very matriarchal. It has required a slow, methodical approach to building personal relationships, winning respect, trust, and friendship, and being al living witness to the power of Jesus in individual lives. Personal discipleship is a key element to our work.


The Clement family has always held a deep passion for the work of discipleship and Bible teaching. They consider the call to have a part in building up the church of Jesus Christ to be an undeserved honor and a high blessing.


Scott’s focus has always been mostly on Bible teaching. A strong coviction that deep roots in a solid understanding of the essentials of the Christian faith  and  doctrine makes for strong disciples and a strong church guide their work.


Church is about people living together in community under the headship of Christ. Intense and intentional personal discipleship both on an indivudual as well as corporate level shape their vision, leadig toward stong followers to Christ!


Having lived and worked in an extensive range of geographical, cultural and ecclestiastical situations, the Clements have a vision for a strong local church in the context of the worldwide fellowship of the redeemed, the church universal.

How You Can Support The Work

Support Options ...

As a work of faith and an extension of the mission of the local church, we depend in part on gifts from churches and individuals who know us and have confidence in our calling.

Options for supporting our work include:

  • informed strategic prayer for our family and our work;
  • mailing a check or donating by credit card  through our office for a tax deductible receipt;
  • giving directly via a mail-in check donation to our ministry account (NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE);
  • giving via GiveSendGo (NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE);

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Honestly, the most important thing that you can do is to pray for us! We need the help of God’s Holy Spirit as we seek to serve the church and reach the lost here in Sonora. While material support is important in keeping us solvent on the field, we know that ultimately God is our provider and He is faithful! The four most important prayer points that I regularly ask for are based on Paul’s prayer requests in his epistles.

(You can also learn about timely prayer requests by viewing our latest update video below, and you can learn how to send material support just beneath this section …)

Please pray for us specifically and regularly …

  • … that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as per 2 Thessalonians 3:1
  • … that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, as per Colossians 4:3
  • … that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, as per Ephesians 6:19
  • … and that our service for the church in Sonora may be acceptable to the saints, Romans 15:31
Mail-in Gifts (Tax Deductible)

You can still give the old-fashioned way, by mailing a check into our financial office. If you need a tax-deductible receipt, this is the best option for us as it does not incur merchant fees. This is perhaps the simplest if most time consuming method. It is

Make checks payable to NOMADIC FRONTIERS, and it’d be good to include a note with the check stipulating it as such, though the endorsement for NOMADIC FRONTIERS is sufficient.

Mail your check to:

Nomadic Frontiers
c/o Bridge the Gap International
PO Box 702558
Tulsa, OK 74170-2558

Your check will be processed and you will receive a tax-deductible receipt from our office within a couple of weeks. We’ll also email you to thank you for your gift within about a month, depending on processing time.
Note in the interest of disclosure: These donations are processed through Bridge the Gap International, an organization that handles our finances for tax-deductible giving. There is a 10% fee on each donation to cover office operating expenses.

Credit Card Giving (Tax Deductible)

You can donate via credit card if that is more to your liking. Following the link below, you can make a one-time or monthly donation.

You start by going to the donation page at:

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact us. This method does incur a merchant fee for credit card processing, so it is a bit more costly on our end, but is a secure method if you simply prefer to make your transaction this way.

Note in the interest of disclosure: These donations are processed through Bridge the Gap International, an organization that handles our finances for tax-deductible giving. There is a 10% fee on each donation to cover office operating expenses as well as a credit card merchante fee.


Credit Card (NOT Tax-deductible)

Sometimes people tell us that they do not want a tax-deductible reciept and ask if they can give directly by credit card. If this is your case, we have an option through or GiveSendGo account. Just follow that link and you will be able to make a credit card donation.

Note in the interest of disclosure: We stress that this method of giving is not tax-deductible and you will receive no receipt for it save our thanks. If you use this method, please drop us an email to let us know. There is a minimal credit card merchant fee on this donation method. 

Mail-in Deposit (NOT Tax Deductible)

Occassionally, friends tell us that they don’t want a receipt for their gift but would rather just send the donation directly to us via check. In such cases, the best option is to simply mail a check for deposit directly to our ministry checking account. Please contact us for more information and I can send you a form that you can use to send a gift directly to us. 

Our Latest Update

This is our latest video update from December, 2024. We try to upload a new update about once a month and we notifiy via email. 

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